12.64.8 Briefly explain the effects of weight, IAS, wind, and flap extension on the glideangle.

12.64.8. Briefly explain the effects of weight, IAS, wind, and flap extension on the glideangle. 

Weight: – the aircraft weight does not affect the glide angle
IAS: – If the glide speed is higher or lower than recommended the L/D ratio will not be as good and the glide angle will be steeper (diagram)

Wind: The glide angle stays the same regardless of no wind headwind ot tailwind – the glide angle relative to the airmass is the same
Flap extension: The use of flaps reduces the L/D ratio and the glide angle is steeper as a result

12.64.6 Explain how the lift/drag ratio determines a constant speed glide angle.

12.64.6. Explain how the lift/drag ratio determines a constant speed glide angle.

12.64.4 Explain how the forces in a glide become modified in a constant speed power ondescent.

12.64.4. Explain how the forces in a glide become modified in a constant speed power ondescent. 

The glide angle at any given speed in teh glide is directly determined by the lift / drag ratio.
If the L/D ratio is high the glide angle will be shallow
If the L/D ratio is poor the glide angle will be steep

12.64.2 Identify and name the forces acting in a glide.

12.64.2. Identify and name the forces acting in a glide.

++ diagram++

– it is assumed that any thrust from the propellor is negligible with the throttle closed,
– weight lift and drag are the remaining forces
– perpendicular component of the weight force is balanced by the lift
– the component of weight parallel to the flightpath is equal and opposite to the drag

12.62 Climbing Flight

12.62. Climbing Flight

12.62.10 Briefly explain the factors which affect climb performance.

12.62.10. Briefly explain the factors which affect climb performance.

– reducing power decreases climb performance
– flying faster or slower than the recommended airspeed can degreade the angle and /or rate of climb
Flap extension:
– extended flaps decrease the climb performance due to the indreased drag.
Best climb performance is achieved with flaps up
– an increase in weight will degrade climb performance as more power is required. Best climb performance is achieved with lighter aircraft weights
– The decrease in air density as altitude is gained causes a decrease in both engine and airframe performance
– because air density is reduced higher ambient temperatures reduce cllimb performance

– any manoevring in the clim such as turning will absorb some of the excess power and climb performance will be decreased
Headwind and tailwind:
– These affect the climnb angle over the ground but not the rate of climb

12.62.8 Using a PA/PR (power available/power required) graph, show the derivation ofmaximum rate of climb speed.

12.62.8. Using a PA/PR (power available/power required) graph, show the derivation ofmaximum rate of climb speed. 

++ diagram++

For maximum rate of climb spped – this is the speed at which there is the greatest excess of power available over power required

12.62.6 Define the meaning of Vx (max angle) and Vy (max rate).

12.62.6. Define the meaning of Vx (max angle) and Vy (max rate).

12.62.4(c) cruise climb

12.62.4(c) . cruise climb 

12.62.4(b) maximum rate of climb; Sub Topic Syllabus Item

12.62.4(b) . maximum rate of climb; Sub Topic Syllabus Item 

Maximum angle climb
– best gradient
Maximum rate climb
– best vertical speed
Normal climb
– speed is usually higher than the speed for maximum rate of climb and is a compromise between speed and rate of climb
Vx max angle
Vy max rate