12.58.12 Explain the function of a basic trim control.

12.58.12. Explain the function of a basic trim control.

12.58.10 Explain the effects of airspeed and power settings on control effectiveness andaircraft attitude.

12.58.10. Explain the effects of airspeed and power settings on control effectiveness andaircraft attitude. 

Faster airspeed:
Faster airflow over the flight control surfaces will make them more effective, feel firmer and require less movement
Increasing the airspeed makes all the controls more effective
Increasing the power will increase the slipstream flow in which case only the rudder and elevator become more effective since slipstream does not flow over the ailerons

12.58.8 Explain the cross-coupling (further) effects of control in roll and yaw.

12.58.8. Explain the cross-coupling (further) effects of control in roll and yaw.

The primary effect of rudder is to yaw the aircraft
Its further effect is to cause a roll due to strong yawing to one side will speed up the outer wing which will then produce nore lift
The ailerons primary effect is to roll the aircraft and their further effect is to produce a yaw – as when the aircraft is banked it will tend to slip sideways into the resulting turn and the slipping action causes yaw

12.58.6(c) yaw.

12.58.6(c) . yaw. 

12.58.6(b) bank angle;

12.58.6(b) . bank angle; 

12.58.6(a) pitch attitude;

12.58.6(a) . pitch attitude; 

12.58.6 Explain how each flying control operates to achieve control of the:

12.58.6. Explain how each flying control operates to achieve control of the:

Primary Flight Controls:
Elevator- operated from the cockpit with fore and aft movements of the control wheel or forwards and backwards if using a stick
Ailerons – operated by rotation of the control wheel or sideways if using a stick
Rudder – operatef by pressing the rudder pedals

Trim Tab – operated by using a trim wheel or handle in the cockpit
Flap Systems – operated by a manual lever or an electrical switch

12.58.4 Name the flying controls used to affect movement about each axis.Sub Topic Syllabus Item

12.58.4. Name the flying controls used to affect movement about each axis.Sub Topic Syllabus Item 

The Elevator controls pitching of the nose up and down and is operated from the cockpit with fore and aft movements of the control wheel
The Ailerons control rolling of the aircraft and are operated by rotation of the control wheel
The Rudders controls the yawing of the aircraft left and right and operated by using the rudder pedals

12.58.2 Define the aircraft axes of rotation, pitch, roll and yaw.

12.58.2. Define the aircraft axes of rotation, pitch, roll and yaw.

Rotation about the lateral axis is the Pitch
Rotation about the longitudinal axis is Roll
Rotation about the normal axis is Yaw

12.56 Aeroplane Aerodynamic Theory

12.56. Aeroplane Aerodynamic Theory