22.30.12 State the factors affecting endurance and explain practical endurance flying techniques

State the factors affecting endurance and explain practical endurance flying techniques.

Factors affecting flying for endurance

Effects of Altitude

The minimum power speed will coincide with a given IAS for a particular weight. As altitude increases, drag remains the same as IAS is constant, but TAS increases as altitude increases. Since Power = Drag X TAS power required will increase as altitude increases. Therefore flying for endurance is best done at the lowest safe altitude.

Effect of Weight

The minimum power speed increases with increased weight and because there is more drag, more power is required; therefore GFC will also increase. Thus endurance is reduced at higher weights.

Engine Considerations

To achieve maximum endurance, the engine must be operated with minimum gross fuel consumption (GFC). This is achieved at the lowest permitted rpm with the engine operating in the lean range with MAP set to maintain minimum power speed. The mixture must be leaned correctly to ensure maximum range is achieved 

Practical Application 

  • Fly at the recommended gliding speed and with small adjustments to power, determine the lowest power setting that will comfortably hold the aircraft in level flight.
  • Use the lowest permitted rpm for the lean range which will give smooth running and enable the generator/alternator to charge. Adjust the MAP to maintain the selected speed.
  • In turbulent conditions or for manoeuvring, fly at a slightly higher speed (e.g. 10% higher) to avoid having to apply large increases in power to overcome the effects of gusts/increased drag
  • Ensure the mixture is correctly leaned
  • Fly at the lowest practical altitude but if you have the luxury of high altitude, descend slowly, power on at the endurance speed until the lower altitude is reached (the aircraft descends at a lower power setting than is needed for level flight, thus increasing endurance)

22.30.10 Define flying for endurance and differentiate between range

Define flying for endurance and differentiate between range flying and endurance flying (piston engine).

When considering flying for endurance we are talking about staying in the air for the longest possible time. We are not trying to go anywhere –  all we are attempting to do is stay airborne as long as possible.

This is different to flying for range where we are attempting to get to the furthest possible distance.

When we are flying for endurance we are interested in the lowest possible fuel flow. So we use the lowest possible power setting to maintain level flight. This will maximise the time in the air, thus maximising endurance.

22.30.8 Apply performance tables or graphs from an aircraft manual to determine best SAR under given conditions.

Apply performance tables or graphs from an aircraft manual to determine best SAR under given conditions.

Below is an example of a cruise performance table. It is possible to use this table to work out the maximum range for a specific power setting. In the manual there are multiple graphs for different power settings. This one is for 55% power as can be seen

                                          Image result for specific air range graph cirrus    
It can be easily inferred from this graph that at 14,000 feet a range of 1018 nautical miles is possible. This gives us the maximum range possible in that configuration. It assumes maximum weight so a lighter aircraft will go further.
Note: Graph does not take into account effect of wind

22.30.6 Explain the airframe and engine considerations of flying for range (piston engine)

Explain the airframe and engine considerations of flying for range (piston engine).

Airframe Considerations (piston engine aircraft)

Maximum airframe efficiency and the best range speed occurs at the speed for minimum drag maximum L/D ratio.

Effect of Altitude

At a given aircraft weight the IAS for minimum drag/Maximum L/D ratio and therefore best range speed remains constant with altitude. As altitude increases both TAS and power required at best range speed increase in the same proportion. The TAS/power ratio remains unchanged and therefore from the airframe point of view, altitude has no effect on the best range IAS but the best range TAS increases with altitude.

Effect of Weight

An increase in weight means that the angle of attack for best L/D ratio is reached at a higher IAS; the best speed for range is therefore increased. While this increase in IAS means TAS will be higher, drag has also increased and the power required has increased in proportion to the gain in TAS (power=drag X TAS) Range is therefore reduced as weight increases

Effect of Wind Velocity

A headwind component will decrease the range, while a tailwind will increase it. To obtain the maximum ground range we must fly at the speed which provides the highest ratio of groundspeed/power (i.e. the highest groundspeed for the least amount of power being used). 

The optimum speed in headwind/tailwind conditions can be found by locating groundspeed on the PR/TAS graph and finding the speed (TAS) to fly below the redrawn tangent to the PR curve.

                          Image result for power required TAS headwind, tailwind

Engine Considerations

To fly for best range the aircraft should be flown for the maximum product of airframe efficiency (TAS/power) and engine efficiency (1/SFC). Airframe considerations mean that the aircraft should be flown at a recommended range speed (RRS) that is about 10% higher than minimum drag speed. To maintain that speed a certain amount of power must be used. If maximum range is to be achieved the engine must operate in such a way that this power is produced most efficiently. Therefore minimum specific fuel consumption is required.

Factors Affecting SFC

RPM and Manifold Pressure (MAP)

To obtain the power required a number of combinations of rpm/manifold pressure (MAP) may be used. The lower SFC is obtained by using the lowest rpm with the highest MAP (within allowable limits)

  • Low RPM Use of low rpm reduces friction losses and improves volumetric efficiency. There will normally be a limit to the minimum useable fuel flow because a richer mixture is required at very low rpm to prevent rough running and some engine driven services (generator/alternator) may not operate properly
  • High MAP Maximum MAP for the rpm being used is limited by the cylinder pressures above which a rich mixture must be used for cooling and the prevention of detonation.

Mixture Strength

Lean mixtures and the power setting that permits them are essential to achieving a low SFC


The power required is produced more efficiently if the aircraft is at full throttle height (FTH) for the setting being used. The reason for this is that the engine breathes better and the power loss through friction in the induction and exhaust systems are reduced. Altitude also give the advantage of colder intake air which increases the temperature rise within the engine and improves thermal efficiency


Cold air at a given altitude improves SFC since the power available can be achieved at a lower rpm and the power required by the airframe reduced (TAS reduced)

Carburettor Air Intake

Where the application of carburettor heat is necessary to prevent ice formation, the SFC will deteriorate. High carburettor intake temperatures reduce the density of the air intake, giving a richer mixture and reduced thermal efficiency. Ram air is also not generally available with carburettor heat selected and this lowers FTH. 

22.30.4 State the general conditions for achieving maximum SAR.

State the general conditions for achieving maximum SAR.

For maximum range flying you must operate the aircraft and engine in such a way that maximum efficiency is obtained over the distance to be flown. Do that by keeping the following factors in mind:

  • Actual takeoff weight, lesser weight means less power required
  • Wind direction and speed (velocity), a tailwind favors range
  • Air temperature, the warmer the air (lower density) the more power required
  • Altitude, higher is better for range as it increases TAS
  • Aircraft configuration, keeping drag as low as possible

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22.30.2 Define Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC)

22.30.2 specific fuel consumption (SFC).

Specific fuel consumption (SFC)

Specific fuel consumption is defined as the GFC (or fuel flow) per unit of power produced, or in simple terms the fuel efficiency of an engine. 

How to calculate SFC

Specific fuel consumption (SFC)= GFC/Power

                                        or GFC= SFC X power

substituting in the equation above:

                                            SAR= TAS/power X 1/SFC

Thus to achieve maximum specific air range (SAR) the aircraft must be flown at the maximum airframe efficiency (TAS/power) and engine efficiency (1/SFC)

Power (kW) Year Engine type Application SFC (lb/(hp⋅h)) SFC (g/(kW⋅h)) Energy efficiency
93 1942 Lycoming O-235 piston, gasoline General aviation 0.43 262[1] 31.4%
63 1991 GM Saturn I4 engine, gasoline Saturn S-Seriescars 0.411 250[2] 32.5%
150 2011 Ford EcoBoost gasoline, turbo Ford cars 0.403 245[3] 33.5%
1,305 1973 General Electric CT7 turboprop Let L-610G airliner 0.413 251[4] 33.6%
300 1961 Lycoming IO-720 piston, gasoline General aviation 0.4 243[5] 34.2%
2,000 1945 Wright R-3350 Duplex-Cyclone gasoline, turbo-compound Bombers, airliners 0.380 231[6] 35.5%
57 2003 Toyota 1NZ-FXE, gasoline Toyota Prius car 0.370 225[7] 36.4%
550 1931 Junkers Jumo 204 two-stroke diesel, turbo Bombers, airliners 0.347 211[8] 40%
36,000 2002 Rolls-Royce Marine Trent turboshaft Combat ships 0.340 207[9] 40.7%
2,340 1949 Napier Nomad Diesel-compound planned (aircraft intended) 0.340 207[10] 40.7%
165 2000 Volkswagen 3.3 V8 TDI Audi A8 car 0.337 205[11] 41.1%
2,013 1940 Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz DZ 710 Diesel two stroke none (aircraft intended) 0.330 201[12] 41.9%
42,428 1993 General Electric LM6000 turboshaft Ship, electricity 0.329 200.1[13] 42.1%
130 2007 BMW N47 2L turbodiesel BMW cars 0.326 198[14] 42.6%
88 1990 Audi 2.5L TDI Audi 100 car 0.326 198[15] 42.6%
3,600 MAN Diesel 6L32/44CR four-stroke Ship, electricity 0.283 172[16] 49%
4,200 2015 Wärtsilä W31 four-stroke Ship, electricity 0.271 165[17] 51.1%
34,320 1998 Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C two-stroke Ship, electricity 0.263 160[18] 52.7%
27,060 MAN Diesel S80ME-C9.4-TII two-stroke Ship, electricity 0.254 154.5[19] 54.6%
34,350 MAN Diesel 12G95ME-C9 two-stroke Ship 0.254 154.5[20] 54.6%
605,000 2016 General Electric 9HA combined cycle gas turbine electricity generation 0.223 135.5 (eq.) 62.2%[21]

Turboprop efficiency is only good at high power; SFC increases dramatically for approach at low power (30% Pmax) and especially at idle (7% Pmax) :

2,050 kW Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127 turboprop (1996)[22]
Mode Power fuel flow SFC Energy efficiency
Nominal idle (7%) 192 hp (143 kW) 3.06 kg/min (405 lb/h) 1,282 g/(kW⋅h) (2.108 lb/(hp⋅h)) 6.6%
Approach (30%) 825 hp (615 kW) 5.15 kg/min (681 lb/h) 502 g/(kW⋅h) (0.825 lb/(hp⋅h)) 16.8%
Max cruise (78%) 2,132 hp (1,590 kW) 8.28 kg/min (1,095 lb/h) 312 g/(kW⋅h) (0.513 lb/(hp⋅h)) 27%
Max climb (80%) 2,192 hp (1,635 kW) 8.38 kg/min (1,108 lb/h) 308 g/(kW⋅h) (0.506 lb/(hp⋅h)) 27.4%
Max contin. (90%) 2,475 hp (1,846 kW) 9.22 kg/min (1,220 lb/h) 300 g/(kW⋅h) (0.493 lb/(hp⋅h)) 28.1%
Take-off (100%) 2,750 hp (2,050 kW) 9.9 kg/min (1,310 lb/h) 290 g/(kW⋅h) (0.477 lb/(hp⋅h)) 29.1%


    22.30.2 Define specific air range (SAR)

    22.30.2 Define specific air range (SAR).

    Specific fuel consumption (SFC)

    Specific fuel consumption is defined as the GFC (or fuel flow) per unit of power produced, or in simple terms the fuel efficiency of an engine. 

    How to calculate SFC

    Specific fuel consumption (SFC)= GFC/Power

                                            or GFC= SFC X power

    substituting in the equation above:

                                                SAR= TAS/power X 1/SFC

    Thus to achieve maximum specific air range (SAR) the aircraft must be flown at the maximum airframe efficiency (TAS/power) and engine efficiency (1/SFC)

    Power (kW) Year Engine type Application SFC (lb/(hp⋅h)) SFC (g/(kW⋅h)) Energy efficiency
    93 1942 Lycoming O-235 piston, gasoline General aviation 0.43 262[1] 31.4%
    63 1991 GM Saturn I4 engine, gasoline Saturn S-Seriescars 0.411 250[2] 32.5%
    150 2011 Ford EcoBoost gasoline, turbo Ford cars 0.403 245[3] 33.5%
    1,305 1973 General Electric CT7 turboprop Let L-610G airliner 0.413 251[4] 33.6%
    300 1961 Lycoming IO-720 piston, gasoline General aviation 0.4 243[5] 34.2%
    2,000 1945 Wright R-3350 Duplex-Cyclone gasoline, turbo-compound Bombers, airliners 0.380 231[6] 35.5%
    57 2003 Toyota 1NZ-FXE, gasoline Toyota Prius car 0.370 225[7] 36.4%
    550 1931 Junkers Jumo 204 two-stroke diesel, turbo Bombers, airliners 0.347 211[8] 40%
    36,000 2002 Rolls-Royce Marine Trent turboshaft Combat ships 0.340 207[9] 40.7%
    2,340 1949 Napier Nomad Diesel-compound planned (aircraft intended) 0.340 207[10] 40.7%
    165 2000 Volkswagen 3.3 V8 TDI Audi A8 car 0.337 205[11] 41.1%
    2,013 1940 Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz DZ 710 Diesel two stroke none (aircraft intended) 0.330 201[12] 41.9%
    42,428 1993 General Electric LM6000 turboshaft Ship, electricity 0.329 200.1[13] 42.1%
    130 2007 BMW N47 2L turbodiesel BMW cars 0.326 198[14] 42.6%
    88 1990 Audi 2.5L TDI Audi 100 car 0.326 198[15] 42.6%
    3,600 MAN Diesel 6L32/44CR four-stroke Ship, electricity 0.283 172[16] 49%
    4,200 2015 Wärtsilä W31 four-stroke Ship, electricity 0.271 165[17] 51.1%
    34,320 1998 Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C two-stroke Ship, electricity 0.263 160[18] 52.7%
    27,060 MAN Diesel S80ME-C9.4-TII two-stroke Ship, electricity 0.254 154.5[19] 54.6%
    34,350 MAN Diesel 12G95ME-C9 two-stroke Ship 0.254 154.5[20] 54.6%
    605,000 2016 General Electric 9HA combined cycle gas turbine electricity generation 0.223 135.5 (eq.) 62.2%[21]

    Turboprop efficiency is only good at high power; SFC increases dramatically for approach at low power (30% Pmax) and especially at idle (7% Pmax) :

    2,050 kW Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127 turboprop (1996)[22]
    Mode Power fuel flow SFC Energy efficiency
    Nominal idle (7%) 192 hp (143 kW) 3.06 kg/min (405 lb/h) 1,282 g/(kW⋅h) (2.108 lb/(hp⋅h)) 6.6%
    Approach (30%) 825 hp (615 kW) 5.15 kg/min (681 lb/h) 502 g/(kW⋅h) (0.825 lb/(hp⋅h)) 16.8%
    Max cruise (78%) 2,132 hp (1,590 kW) 8.28 kg/min (1,095 lb/h) 312 g/(kW⋅h) (0.513 lb/(hp⋅h)) 27%
    Max climb (80%) 2,192 hp (1,635 kW) 8.38 kg/min (1,108 lb/h) 308 g/(kW⋅h) (0.506 lb/(hp⋅h)) 27.4%
    Max contin. (90%) 2,475 hp (1,846 kW) 9.22 kg/min (1,220 lb/h) 300 g/(kW⋅h) (0.493 lb/(hp⋅h)) 28.1%
    Take-off (100%) 2,750 hp (2,050 kW) 9.9 kg/min (1,310 lb/h) 290 g/(kW⋅h) (0.477 lb/(hp⋅h)) 29.1%


    22.28.12 Define Vmca and Vmcg.

    Define Vmca and Vmcg.

    In an aircraft being flown asymmetrically, as airspeed is decreased with the live engine at full power, a point will be reached where full rudder is required to prevent further yaw. This point is the minimum control speed beyond which yaw control cannot be maintained by normal means.

    VMCA is the minimum control speed following a sudden failure of the critical engine after takeoff, at which an average pilot will be able to maintain directional control with full rudder and no more that 5° angle of bank applied. 

    To obtain airworthiness certification, VMCA must be demonstrated under a very specific set of circumstances. These include: critical engine wind-milling, full power on the live engine, flaps set for takeoff, undercarriage retracted, C of G at the aft limit and under ISA sea level conditions. This speed must be not greater than 1.13 times the level flight stalling speed in the same configuration. This is shown as a red line on the airspeed indicator.

    VMCG is defined as the minimum speed, whilst on the ground, that directional control can be maintained, using only aerodynamic controls, with one engine inoperative (critical engine on two engine airplanes) and takeoff power applied on the other engine(s).

    22.28.10 Explain the three modes of constant-heading asymmetric fligh

    Explain the three modes of constant-heading asymmetric flight.

    The three modes of constant-heading asymmetric flight are

    • All rudder
    • All aileron
    • Combined bank and rudder

    All Rudder

    When using this method, rudder is used to prevent yaw from asymmetric thrust and the wings are held level with the use of aileron. This will mean the aircraft is ‘crabbing’ along slightly sideways with the nose pointing a few degrees off the direction of flight.

    When using rudder alone to prevent yaw, a lateral side force is generated which if left unbalanced, would tend to push the aircraft sideways toward the failed engine. To counter this a rudder side force is created because of the inherent stability of the aircraft. When just enough rudder is used to prevent any yaw and the wings are held level, the aircraft adopts a small sideslip angle and a weathercock sideslip force is generated, which opposes the rudder side force. When the forces are in balance the aircraft will maintain a constant heading wings-level with the rudder yawing moment equal and opposite to the thrust yawing moment plus the weather-cocking yawing moment.

    The aircraft is constantly side-slipping at a small angle and thus the heading and direction of flight will be different. Because of this sideslip the dihedral of the wings generates a rolling moment which must constantly be countered with the application of aileron toward the failed engine. The forces are in balance and in spite of the sideslip angle with weight and lift vertically aligned, no side slip will be indicated on the coordination ball.

    Instrument indications are

    • Wings level
    • Ball centred
    • Apparent drift toward the failed engine

    All Aileron

    In this mode, the asymmetric thrust yawing moment is counteracted without the use of rudder. The aircraft is rolled and is constantly side-slipped toward the live engine. The resulting weather-cocking yawing moment is used to counteract the thrust yawing moment.

    This involves a relatively large sideslip angle and a high angle of bank, (as much as 15°). It is difficult and uncomfortable to fly and very inefficient. The tilting of the lift vector requires the aircraft to be flown at a higher angle of attack to counteract the weight in level flight and this coupled with the sideslip angle results in higher drag than is necessary.

                                                               Image result for all roll asymmetric flight

    Combined Rudder and Aileron

    The more normal method of controlling the aircraft on a constant heading in asymmetric flight is to use a combination of rudder and aileron. The amounts of rudder and aileron can be varied between the two extremes. Either all rudder, no aileron or all aileron, no rudder. The ideal arrangement is with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft aligned with the direction of flight to have sufficient rudder applied to counteract the thrust yawing moment, together with a small amount of roll towards the live engine to balance out the rudder side force.

    This provides optimum performance since with zero sideslip angle the extra drag is kept to a minimum. In attempting to fly this mode however the bank angle should be contained to between 5 to 10° otherwise the gains made by having zero slip will be offset by having to fly at a higher angle of attack to maintain the vertical component of lift.

    In this mode the aircraft will be flown with

    • A small sideslip angle with the nose slightly offset toward the live engine ( and therefore a small amount of apparent drift)
    • A small amount of bank ( around 5°) toward the live engine
    • A small amount of slip indicated towards the live engine