12.6.24(a) State the lift formula;

12.6.24(a) . State the lift formula; 

Lift = Coefficient of lift x 1/2 Roe x Vsquared

12.6.24 With respect to lift:

12.6.24. With respect to lift:
12.6.24(a) . State the lift formula; 

Lift = Coefficient of lift x 1/2 Roe x Vsquared

12.6.24(b) . summarise the factors affecting lift. (i.e. angle of attack, aerofoil shape, IAS) 

Lift is affected by :
The shape of the aerofoil (High lift v High Speed)
The speed and direction of the airflow over the wing.
The angle of attack.
The size (plan area) of the wing.
The density of the air.
From a practical point of view, in a given aircraft, lift is related to:
Angle of Attack
The shape of the aerofoil (both design and flaps etc)
Indicated Airspeed. 

With respect to lift:
lift formula
factors affecting
CL – Coefficient of lift
ρ – Rho
V² – Velocity
S – Wing Area

12.6.22 Define the Lift and Drag components of Total Reaction.

12.6.22. Define the Lift and Drag components of Total Reaction.

Lift is the component of the aerodynamic force (TR) at right angles to the relative air flow
Drag is the component of aerodynamic force (TR) parallel to the relative airflow and opposing motion

12.6.20 Show how movement of the CP varies between symmetrical and non-symmetrical aerofoils.

12.6.20. Show how movement of the CP varies between symmetrical and non-symmetrical aerofoils. 

For non-symmetrical aerofoils the CP moves significantly with changes to angle of attack.
For symmetrical aerofoils there is little or no movement of the CP with changes to angle of attack.

12.6.18 Describe how TR and CP change with increasing angle of attack for a lifting aerofoil.

12.6.18. Describe how TR and CP change with increasing angle of attack for a lifting aerofoil. 

For a general purpose aerofoil as angle of attack is increased the TR will increase and incline more rearwards.The CP will move forward progressively until the stall angle is reached. At this point it will move rearwards.
For a symetrical aerofoil the TR will increase and incline more rearwards, but the CP will not move. (image)

12.6.16(b) centre of pressure (CP).

12.6.16(b) . centre of pressure (CP). 

The centre of pressure is the point in the aerofoil which the total reaction (TR) is acting through.

12.6.16(a) total reaction (TR);

12.6.16(a) . total reaction (TR); 

This is a single vector line drawn to represent the combined effect of a number of vectors. The TR of the pressure envelope around an aerofoil represents the sum of the effect of the pressure envelope.

12.6.16 Define the terms:

(a) . total reaction (TR); 
This is a single vector line drawn to represent the combined effect of a number of vectors. The TR of the pressure envelope around an aerofoil represents the sum of the effect of the pressure envelope.
(b) . centre of pressure (CP).

The centre of pressure is the point in the aerofoil which the total reaction (TR) is acting through.

12.6.14(b) the pressure distribution around an aerofoil which is producing lift.

12.6.14(b) . the pressure distribution around an aerofoil which is producing lift. 

A streamline airflow around an aerofoil behaves in the same way as the flow through a venturi
Air moving over the aerofoil shape must accelerate to pass over the top surface.
it therefore gainsdynamic energy and the static pressure in that area is decreased
At the same time air passing below the aerofoil is not deviated from its path – there is no change in velocity and static pressure remains the same
In this pressure distribution a small force is generated which tends to move the aerofoil towards the lower pressure area (image)

12.6.14(a) venturi effect;

12.6.14(a) . venturi effect; 

A venturi is a a convergent – divergent duct.
When placed in a steady stream of air it enables a given volume of air entering it over any given time span to accelerate smoothly and pass through the restriction at the throat in the same amount of time
Once it has passed the throat the air then decelerates to pass out through the exit at the same speed it entered