12.6.14 With the aid of diagrams, explain:

12.6.14. With the aid of diagrams,explain:
(a) . venturi effect;
A venturi is a a convergent – divergent duct.
When placed in a steady stream of air it enables a given volume of air entering it over any given time span to accelerate smoothly and pass through the restriction at the throat in the same
amount of time
Once it has passed the throat, the air then decelerates to pass out through the exit at the same speed it entered
(b) . the pressure distribution around an aerofoil which is producing lift. A streamline airflow around an aerofoil behaves in the same way as the flow through a venturi
Air moving over the aerofoil shape must accelerate to pass over the top surface.
it therefore gains dynamic energy and the static pressure
in that area is decreased
At the same time air passing below the aerofoil is not deviated from its path – there is no change in velocity and static pressure remains the same
In this pressure distribution a small force is generated
which tends to move the aerofoil towards the lower pressure area (image)

12.6.12(b) decreased.

12.6.12(b) . decreased. 

Whereever the speed of the airflow is decreased the air loses dynamic energy and it static pressure is increased

12.6.12(a) increased;

12.6.12(a) . increased; 

Whereever the speed of the airflow is increased, the air gains dynamic energy and it’s static pressure is accordingly reduced

12.6.12 Explain the changes which occur to dynamic and static pressure wherever the speed of the airflow is:

12.6.12. Explain the changes which occur to dynamic and static pressure wherever the speed of the airflow is: 

(a) . increased;

Where ever the speed of the airflow is increased, the air gains dynamic energy and it’s static pressure is accordingly reduced 

(b) . decreased. 
Where ever the speed of the airflow is decreased the air loses dynamic energy and it static pressure is increased

12.6.10 Describe streamline airflow around an aerofoil.

12.6.10. Describe streamline airflow around an aerofoil.

Streamline airflow:
If succeeding molecules in the airstream follow the same steady and predictable path this can be represented as a streamline
No flow is across the streamlines only along them

– (image)

12.6.8 Explain Bernoullis Theorem in simple terms.

12.6.8. Explain Bernoullis Theorem in simple terms.

Bernoullis Theorem States that..
In the streamline flow of an ideal fluid
the sum of the

  • energy of position
  • plus the energy of motion
  • plus the pressure energy

will remain constant

Energy of position will not change significantly for aviation proposes.
Leaving us with : Dynamic energy + static pressure = a constant.

increased the dynamic energy of motion
dynamic pressure  Increase [vfr_Pic p1=”bernoulli_StaticMinus.png” p2=”200″]
static pressure Decrease
total constant to equal the Same
Decreased the dynamic energy of motion
dynamic pressure  Decrease [vfr_Pic p1=”bernoulli_StaticPlus.png” p2=”200″]
static pressure Increase
total constant to equal the Same

Therefore, when the speed of the airflow is increased the dynamic energy of motion is increased and the static pressure will reduce to keep the total constant.(image)

12.6.6 Define relative airflow and angle of attack.

12.6.6. Define relative airflow and angle of attack.

Relative Airflow:
The airflow which is remote from the aircraft and unaffected by its passage through it

Angle of attack:
The angle of attack is the angle between the chord line and the Relative Air Flow (image)

12.6.4(f) camber.

12.6.4(f) . camber. 

Is the curvature of an aerofoil surface.
The curvature of a line drawn equidistant between the upper and lower surfaces of the aerofoil is the mean camber of the aerofoil.

12.6.4 (e) thickness;

12.6.4(e) . thickness; 

The depth of the aerofoil
On most aerofoils the point of maximum thickness is forward towards the leading edge

12.6.4(d) chord line;

12.6.4(d) . chord line; 

A straight line joining the leading and trailing edges.