More Mass and Weight Examples

Mass is the object on the the Scales

Weight is what the the Scales read.

Weight is a “Force” eg. “Mass” x “Acceleration” (gravity)

Weight for the same Mass  at different Locations
Location  ‘g’ Mass   ‘g’ / Earth ‘g’   Weight
Earth 9.8 m/s2 1 kg  x 1  =  1 kg
Space Station 0 m/s2 1 kg  x 0  =  0 kg
 Sun  274 m/s2    1 kg  x  28  =  28 kgs
 Moon 1.6 m/s2     1 kg  x  .16  =  .16 kg

12.2.4 Define and where appropriate show the relevant relationships between:

12.2.4. Define and where appropriate show the relevant relationships between:


(a) . mass,


and gravitational force (g);

Mass – the amount of matter in an object, measured in kilograms
Weight – mass x gravity
Gravitational Force – the acceleration due to gravity

(b) . inertia;

Inertia is the tendency of an object to either remain at rest or to continue moving at it’s present velocity.

 And is proportional to mass of the object.

(c) . momentum;

The momentum of an object is the product of its mass x velocity
An object of large mass moving slowly can have the same momentum
as an object of smaller mass moving at a greater speed. 

(d) . equilibrium;

An object is in a state of equilibrium when it is at rest or in a state of uniform motion.
The sum of all the forces acting on it will be zero. 

(e) . force vectors,
and components;

Force – a push or a pull – identified by what it does moving an object out of its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line.

Couples – consists of two equal but opposite parallel forces which create a twisting moment about a point between the two force lines.

Components – these are the resolution of a force vector into two components at right angles to each other. Used to show the amount of a total force acting in a particular direction.

(f) . Newtons Third Law;

Newtons third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction 

(g) . distance,



and velocity;

Distance – Measured in metres, kilometres or nautical miles.

Time – Measured in hours-minutes-seconds.

Acceleration – Distance per second per second. eg. earth’s gravity is 9 meters per second per second

Velocity – is Speed in a Direction. And speed is Distance / Time

(h) . kinetic 

and potential energy;

Kinetic Energy = the energy due to motion .

Potential Energy = this is the energy of position. eg. water stored at high altitude in a dam has gravitational potential energy

(i) . force, 


and power;.

Force is “Mass” x “Acceleration” measured in Newtons.(N)
A Newton is the force required to accelerate a 1 kg mass at 1m per second per second. 

Work is “Force” x “Distance” (moved in the direction of the force.) measured in joules.(J)
One joule of work is done when a force of One Newton moves an object 1 metre.

Power is “Work” / “Time” measured in Watts(W).

One Watt of work is  One Joule per second.

 (j) . forces involved in the motion of an

 object travelling in a circular path.

If any object is to follow a curved path, a force must be applied to accelerate it towards the centre of the curve.
Its velocity changes ie its direction is continually changing. The radial force is Centripetal Force -( CPF)

= W v2/ gr (where r = radius of the curve) 

12.2.2 State the International System (SI) and ICAO units used to express:

12.2.2. State the International System (SI) and
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
 units used to express:

(a) distance
ICAO - Nautical miles
SI - Metres 
(b) Time
SI - seconds
ICAO - Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
(c) velocity   
Is speed in a given direction.

(d) mass
SI - Kilograms. The amount of matter in an object.
(e) volume   
SI - Litre. 1 litre =1000millilitres or 1000 cubic centimetres.
ICAO - Gallons US and Gallons Imperial are still used in some countries. 
(f) temperature
SI - Degrees Celsius
(g) altitude
ICAO - Feet 

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