(e) flight level (FL)


18.10.6 Plot and reference a position ( 0.5 of a minute) on

18.10.6 Plot and reference a position ( 0.5 of a minute) on a current published New Zealand
Aeronautical Chart.

18.8.2 Define: (f) true airspeed (TAS)

The true airspeed (TAS; also KTAS, for knots true airspeed) of an aircraft is the speed of the aircraft relative to the airmass in which it is flying. 


(f) Greenwich (Prime) Meridian

The Prime Meridian, based at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, is a Meridian of longitude located on the 0° longitude line. It acts as a datum for longitude, increasing from 0° to 180° when moving East, and decreasing from 0° to -180° when
moving West.  

prime meridian


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ETP – Head wind Example

In this example we take look at working out a ETP,

With TAS of 200kts and Head wind of 40kts over distance over 800nm. 


Distane to to ETP is : 480
A B TAS of 200kts, Distance 800nm <-<- Head-Wind of 40kts 480nm <- ETP -> 320nm
Example of ETP.
Nav Computer setup
10101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425253030353540404545505055556060707080809090GS Home 240GS Out 160+Home 240=400read off ETP = 480 nm locate Distane of 800Note the % of DistaneCheck out [10]
By checking the 1 and read off a percentage distane a long your track where the ETP is.
This a handy check, to double check the ETP has moved toward the wind .

As Double Check, just confirm that the times for each legs are the same.
10101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425253030353540404545505055556060707080809090GS Out 160 1 Hour locate Distane of 320read off Time = 120 Minutes
10101111121213131414151516161717181819192020212122222323242425253030353540404545505055556060707080809090GS Home 2401 Hourlocate Distane of 480read off Time = 120 Minutes

18.48.10 Calculate the maximum holding duration prior to div

18.48.10 Calculate the maximum holding duration prior to diversion to an alternate.


18.46.10 Calculate the maximum holding time available for a

18.46.10 Calculate the maximum holding time available for a given leg.

(c) proportion


18.22.6 List and explain the properties of:

18.22.6 List and explain the properties of:
(a) a Mercator projection;
(b) a Lambert's conformal projection.