quiz me on – Atmosphere

When changing water vapor to ice, is latent heat required or released?
When the Earths surface warms air particles through touching the surface is what?
What is dew point?
100% relative humidity

( from a question pool of 43 )

quiz me on – PPL MET

How many oktas cover the sky when the reported weather reads FEW ?
1-2 oktas
When the weather report states the sky is covered by 5-7 oktas , the cloud is said to be?
When the weather report states the sky is covered by 3-4 oktas , the cloud is said to be?

( from a question pool of 9 )

quiz me on – VFR planning, procedures and GPS

What causes Multi path error?
Satellite signals arriving at the receiver from different directions and different times
What results from water vapor in the tropopause slowing down the satellite signals, which cause ranging errors?
Tropospheric Propagation Effect
What type of radar works on the echo principal?

( from a question pool of 8 )

quiz me on – Altimetry

Altitude is
the vertical distance of a level, a point, or an object considered as a point measured from mean sea level
elevation above mean sea level
height above sea level
Elevation is

( from a question pool of 25 )

quiz me on -Speed and Position

A Foot is
a unit of length defined as being 0.3048 m exactly, it is subdivided into 12 inches
Calibrated airspeed (CAS) is
the indicated airspeed corrected for instrument errors, position error and installation errors
How can you determine if another aircraft is on a collision course with your aircraft?
The other aircraft will always appear to get larger and closer at a rapid rate.

( from a question pool of 36 )

quiz me on – Direction on the earth

Relative bearing using the clock method is
the bearing relative to the nose of the aircraft, eg Nose = 12 o'clock , Right wing =3 o'clock
The reference plane, which we measure latitude from, is the plane of ____?
The circumference of a parallel of latitude becomes smaller the closer the particular parallel is to?

( from a question pool of 31 )

quiz me on – ATC Lights

ATC light signals to an Aircraft on the Ground - Steady green
Cleared to take off
ATC light signals to an Aircraft in Flight -Series of green flashes
Return for landing (clearance to land and to taxi will be given in due course)
ATC light signals to an Aircraft on the Ground -Taxi clear of landing area in use
Series of red flashes

( from a question pool of 24 )

quiz me on – PPLNAV

Which initial action should a pilot take prior to entering controlled airspace?
Contact the tower and request permission to enter.
During a night flight, you observe a steady white light and a flashing red light ahead and at the same altitude. What is the general direction of movement of the other aircraft?
The other aircraft is flying away from you.
Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the altimeter indicates
true altitude at field elevation.

( from a question pool of 18 )

quiz me on – Radio check and Speechless

An aircraft shall acknowledge the receipt of a message not requiring a read back by transmitting?
The aircrafts call sign
Speechless technique using unmodulated - SAY AGAIN
activate button three times
Speechless technique using unmodulated - activate button three times

( from a question pool of 21 )

quiz me on – ELT

When may you test your ELT?

First 5 minutes after the hour 

What action must you take if your ELT has inadvertently activated? 

Switch to ARM and notify ATS unit and RCCNZ

An ELT can activate itself


( from a question pool of 6 )