Identify the human senses pilots depend on for information acquisition.

Identify the human senses pilots depend on for information acquisition.

  • Visual system
  • Balance system
  • Proprioceptors
  • Hearing system 

Describe methods by which age-related changes in memory and speed of information processing can be moderated by older pilots.

Describe methods by which age-related changes in memory and speed of information processing can be moderated by older pilots. 

They may become aware of their own limitations physically and mentally

May do an “ageing pilot” specific assessment for mental capabilities and coordination

Maybe more frequent flying assessments are needed

Identify normal physiological and behavioural changes with age that have a bearing on private pilot performance.

Identify normal physiological and behavioural changes with age that have a bearing on private pilot performance. 

  • Visual changes
  • Deterioration of hearing
  • Slower at processing information
  • Less physically fit
  • Reduced endurance and physical strength
  • Slower reflex and reaction times
  • Get “set in their ways”
  • Difficulty with new concepts, technology and ideas
  • Increased incidence of diseases with age eg heart disease 

Describe methods of managing fatigue.

Describe methods of managing fatigue.

Can be relieved by decreasing the pilots workload / stressors and by increasing rest and sleep

Explain the difference between acute and chronic fatigue.

Explain the difference between acute and chronic fatigue.

Acute fatigue is short lasting 

Chronic fatigue is prolonged and can be caused by insufficient good quality sleep, time zones, shift work

Describe the symptoms of fatigue.

Describe the symptoms of fatigue.

  • Irritability
  • Poor judgement
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Indifference
  • Short temper
  • Feeling depressed
  • Reduced work performance
  • Making mistakes
  • General self neglect
  • Acting out

Explain the causes of fatigue and its effect on pilot performance.

Explain the causes of fatigue and its effect on pilot performance.

Fatigue is unresolved stress, building up over time

Caused by prolonged periods of working too hard or for too long with inadequate rest

Continuous time zone changes or shiftwork

A major problem for pilots because of the following:

  • Irritability
  • Poor judgement
  • Inability to make decisions
  • Indifference
  • Short temper
  • Feeling depressed
  • Reduced work performance
  • Making mistakes
  • General self neglect
  • Acting out

Define fatigue.

Define fatigue.

Fatigue is the accumulation of stress, or unresolved stress

Describe sleep disorders and their effects on pilot performance.

Describe sleep disorders and their effects on pilot performance.

Sleep apnoea 

All sleep disorders adversely affect pilot performance, they can be dangerous towards the safety of the aircraft 

Explain the effects of the following alertness management techniques …

Explain the effects of the following alertness management techniques ...


A nap is a short sleep involving stages 1and 2 and / or REM sleep
It will be usually very refreshing
If the nap is allowed to enter stages 3 and 4 then the pilot can feel more tired than before

Caffeine consumption 

Caffeine is a well known stimulant which can increase alertness

Alcohol consumption

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and leads to drowsiness 

Taking sedatives 

Drowsiness causing disorientation, clumsiness and poor mental functioning 

Taking stimulants other than caffeine
  • Hyped up behaviour
  • Poor judgements and decisions
  • Disinhibition
  • Inability to focus and concentrate
  • Aggression