12.66.10(b) bank angle.

12.66.10(b) . bank angle. 

For a given bank angle the radius of turn increases and the rate of turn decreases as speed is increased

12.66.10(a) airspeed;

12.66.10(a) . airspeed; 

For a given airspeed the radius of turn decreases as the bank angle is increased – the rate of turn increase

12.66.10 State the relationship between the turn radius and rate of turn at a given;

12.66.10. State the relationship between the turn radius and rate of turn at a given;

12.66.8 In a level turn, state the relationship between bank angle and lift, drag, and loadfactor.

12.66.8. In a level turn, state the relationship between bank angle and lift, drag, and loadfactor. 

Load factor:
– this is the ratio of the lift force being generated by the wings at any given moment compared to the weight of the aircarft
Load Factor = Lift being generated / Weight

Bank angle – small bank angle means low load factor
Lift the greater the lift the greather the Load
The greater the angle of bank in a turn the greater the drag

12.66.6 Define load factor g.

12.66.6. Define load factor g.

Load factor:
– this is the ratio of the lift force being generated by the wings at any given moment compared to the weight of the aircarft
Load Factor = Lift being generated / Weight

Bank angle – small bank angle means low load factor
Lift the greater the lift the greather the Load
The greater the angle of bank in a turn the greater the drag

12.66.4(b) force required opposing weight.

12.66.4(b) . force required opposing weight. 

12.66.4(a) turning force;

12.66.4(a) . turning force; 

In a turn the wings mnust generate increased lift to provide both the centripetal force for the turn and a vertical component to counteract the weight

12.66.4 Explain the components of lift which provide the:

12.66.4. Explain the components of lift which provide the:

12.66.2 Define centripetal force.

12.66.2. Define centripetal force.

To get an object to turn a force must be applied continually to keep it in the turn – otherwise it will just resume its travel in a straight path.
When the force is applied to make it follow a curved path it is centripetal force

12.64 Descending Flight

12.64. Descending Flight