(c) pressure altitude (PA)

Pressure altitude is the altitude displayed when 1013 hPa is set on the altimeter sub scale barometer. It is the height above a standard datum. 

Pressure Altitudes are commonly referred to as Flight Levels. 

(b) latitude and longitude

Latitude describes the location of a place north or south of the equator. The North Pole is +90 degrees and the South Pole is -90 degrees. A line connecting all the points with the same latitude value is called a parallel of latitude

Longitude describes the location of a place east or west from the Prime Meridian, a line which runs between the poles and through Greenwich, England. Longitude increases as you leave the Prime Meridian (0 degrees) going east (0 to 180 degrees) and decreases as you head west (0 to -180 degrees), until they meet at 180 degrees. 

18.8.2 Define: calibrated airspeed (CAS)

Calibrated airspeed, is IAS corrected for pressure or position error (sometimes referred to as instrument error); which arises from the location of the static port (where we read the static pressure) 


(d) Parallels of Latitude

Latitude describes the location of a place north or south of the equator. The North pole is +90 degrees and the South pole is -90 degrees. A line connecting all the points with the same latitude value is called a line of latitude; creating parallels of
latitude, lines parallel to the equator. 


ETP – Formula explained

Here we will look at the Formula for the Equi-Time Point.

Equi-Time Point = ( frac{Distance x Ground Speed Home}{Ground Speed Out + Ground Speed Home} )

Start by focusing in on the right side of this formula, where they have set up a ratio using the Ground Speeds.

( frac{1}{1+1} )  or ( frac{1}{2} ) Which Halfway or .5 
( frac{GS Home}{GS out +GS Home} )  GS Out and GS Home are the same the then equal to Halfway or .5 

Working with a Head Wind our ground home is more than our ground speed out

( frac{GS Home=2}{GS out=1+GS Home=2} ) = ( frac{2}{1 +2} ) = ( frac{2}{3} ) now our ETP is passed Halfway or .66

Working with a Tail Wind our ground home is less than our ground speed out

( frac{GS Home=1}{GS out=2+GS Home=1} ) = ( frac{1}{2 +1} ) = ( frac{1}{3} ) now our ETP is before Halfway or .33

Complete the formula by just multiplying the flight distance with this Ratio to get your Equi-Time Point.

To get this to work on your Nav Computer there is a slight change,

( frac{Equi-Time Point}{Distance} = frac{Ground Speed Home}{Ground Speed Out + Ground Speed Home} )

Start off with setting up the Ratio.

With “Ground Speed Home” on the outer side scale.

and  “Out Speed Home” + “Ground Speed Home” on the inside scale.

then look around on the inside scale for your flight’s distance

and read the Equi-Time Point / distance off on the out side scale.

1 in 60 Rules

Your issue now is this
You have travel a distance of 108 along your track,
HOWEVER found that you are off your intend track by 7 mn

You need to do a quick mental calculation first ...
Seen as your distance of 108 is over 60mn and less then 120nm then your degress would be somewhere between 7 to half of 7 e.g.(4)

* 60nm * Distance of 108nm ->| off track by 7nm
101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090902. and off by 71. Distance of 1084. and read off = 3.9 Degress 3. locate 60

18.70.6 Explain the significance of RAIM predictions.

18.70.6 Explain the significance of RAIM predictions.

18.48.6 Estimate and calculate a heading to make good a reci

18.48.6 Estimate and calculate a heading to make good a reciprocal track.

18.46.6 Calculate the minimum fuel required on a given VFR c

18.46.6 Calculate the minimum fuel required on a given VFR cross-country flight.

(a) multiplication

A good way to remember how to multiply is to have a pet calculation. By setting up the pet calculation, all you have to do is change the numbers for the particular problem you are working. 

Example 1.

Lets look at the 5 times table eg 5 x 2 = ?? and 5 x 3 = ??


1. Find the 5 or 50 on the outside scale
2. On the inside line up the 1 or 10

Read off ( 5 x 2 = ?? )

3. now look around on the inside for 2 and 
4. read the answer on the the outside 10.

Read off ( 5 x 3 = ?? )

5. now look around on the inside for 3 and 
6. read the answer on the the outside of 15

101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090901. Outer Find '5'2. Inner lineup '1'4. Outer read off '10'3. Inner find '2'6. Outer
read off '15'5. Inner find '3'

also you could easily read off  x4, x5 etc.

Setup And without changing any thing you can also read off

Read off ( 5  x 14 = ?? )

3. now look around on the inside for 14 and 
4. read the answer on the the outside 70.

Read off ( 5 x 16 = ?? )

5. now look around on the inside for 16 and 
6. read the answer on the the outside 18.

101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090901. Outer Find '5'2. Inner lineup '1'4. Outer read off '70'3. Inner find '14'6. Outer
read off '80'5. Inner find '16'