6.14.2(r) Define Estimated Elapsed Time (EET);

6.14.2(r)  Estimated Elapsed Time (EET); 

Estimated Elapsed Time (EET) is the time from take-off to arrive over or land at the designated point.

6.4.6(o) Define compass bearing;

6.4.6(o)  Compass bearing; 

Compass bearing is the direction to an object from a point; expressed as a horizontal angle measured clockwise from magnetic North, with deviation taken into account. 

6.14.2(q) Define Actual Time of Departure (ATD);

6.14.2(q)  Actual Time of Departure (ATD); 

ATD stands for Actual Time of Departure; which is time the aircraft departs its origin. 

6.4.6(n) Define magnetic bearing;

6.4.6(n)  Magnetic bearing; 

Magnetic bearing is the direction to an object from a point; expressed as a horizontal angle measured clockwise from magnetic North

6.14.2(p) Define Estimated Time of Departure (ETD);

6.14.2(p)  Estimated Time of Departure (ETD); 

ETD stands for the estimated time of departure; which is the planned time of departure for the flight. 

True, Magnetic and Compass bearings

xx - g transform="translate(250 10) scale(.2 .2) rotate(30 0 240) " - xx xx - g transform="translate(250 10) scale(.2 .2) rotate(30 0 240) " - xx
6.4.6(m)  True bearing; 

True bearing is the direction to an object from a point; expressed as a horizontal angle measured clockwise from true North. Same applies to Magnetic and Compass just from their Norths.

Example 1.

there is a Magnetic Variation of 20’E and Compass deviation of 3’E


True Bearing to the little house is 090’T (True)

Magnetic Bearing to the little house is 070’M (Magnetic) 

eg: 090’T (True) less variation of 20’E = 070’M

Compass Bearing to the little house is 067’C (Compass)

eg: 070’M (Magnetic) less deviation of 3’E = 067’C


6.48.6 Describe and Apply Techniques for the following

Describe and apply techniques for:
a)  Position Fixing; 
b)  Changing heading to make good the desired track; 
c)  Changing heading to make good next turning point or destination; 
d)  Amending ETA. 

To amend your ETA, first you must work out how far you have traveled, and how long it took to travel this distance. Then you would work out how much further you have to travel, and work out how long it would take to travel the remaining distance with the ground speed.
With this information, we can derive a time we will arrive at the destination. This can be given as a time in UTC to a controller or other traffic, or as minutes past the hour (if within 45 or so minutes)   

6.28.18 Conversions

Convert between:
a)  Degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius (2%); 
b)  Nautical Miles, Statute Miles and Kilometres (2%); 
c)  Metres and Feet (2%); 
d)  Pounds and Kilograms (2%); 
e)  Litres, Imperial and US gallons (2%); 
f)  Volume of Fuel (in Litres, Imperial or US gallons) and a Mass of Fuel (in Pounds      or Kilograms) (2%). 
Fahrenheit ↔ Celsius

To convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius, we align the Fahrenheit and celsius markers on the inner and outer scales. We read off the temperature on one scale which is converted to the other unit using the scale. 
Nautical miles ↔ Statute miles

To convert between Nautical Miles and Statute Miles, we align the Nautical miles and Statute miles markers on the inner and outer scales.

With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.


Nautical miles ↔ Kilometers

To convert between Nautical Miles and Kilometers, we align the Nautical miles and KM markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Statute miles ↔ Kilometers
To convert between Statute Miles and Kilometers, we align the Statute miles and KM markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Metres ↔ Feet
To convert between Metres and Feet, we align the Metre and Feet markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Pounds ↔ Kilograms

To convert between Kilograms and Pounds we align the KG and LBS markers on the inner and outer scales. With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Litres ↔ Imperial Gallons

To convert between Litres and Imperial Gallons, we align the L and Imp Gal markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Litres ↔ US Gallons

To convert between Litres and US Gallons, we align the L and US Gal markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
US Gallons ↔ Imperial Gallons

To convert between US gallons and Imperial gallons, we align the US Gal and Imp Gal markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Fuel lbs ↔ US Gallons

To convert between Fuel lbs and US gallons, we align the Fuel LBS and US Gal markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Fuel lbs ↔ Imperial Gallons

To convert between Fuel lbs and Imperial Gallons, we align the fuel LBS and Imp Gal markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.
Fuel lbs ↔ Litres

To convert between Fuel lbs and Litres, we align the fuel LBS and L markers on the inner and outer scales.
With the scales aligned, we can read off one scale and convert it to the other scale by reading off the number on the opposite scale.

6.14.2(o) Define Closing Angle (CA);

6.14.2(o)  Closing angle (CA); 

Closing Angle is a heading correction change, that will regain the aircraft on a track to regain the FPT (flight planned track) to the destination

If you do find yourself off track, a change of heading equal to the track error (TE) will parallel the FPT, and a further change of heading equal to the closing angle (CA) will bring the aircraft back to the FPT within a required distance. 

The sum of these two corrections is called the total correction. 

TE + CA = Total correction TC 

6.48.10 Calculate an aircraft’s position given bearing and distance from an identified ground position.

Calculate an aircraft's position given bearing and distance from an identified ground position. 

To calculate an aircraft’s position using bearings and distances from ground positions, involves obtaining bearings from the ground position, and a distance from that feature which will give a reasonably accurate fix. 
