Identify specific factors that influence the decision making process.

Identify specific factors that influence the decision making process.

The odds of one outcome versus the odds of the opposite outcome
What you stand to gain versus what you stand to lose

Identify common decision-making models used in aviation training (DECIDE,SADIE etc) and explain their application.

Identify common decision-making models used in aviation training (DECIDE,SADIE etc) and explain their application. 

D – detect that action is necessary
E – estimate the significance of the action
C – choose the way to go
I – identify actions to achieve choice
D – do what appears best
E – evaluate the effect of the actions taken

S – share information 

A – analyse information 
D – develop the best information 
I – implement your decision 
E – evaluate the outcome 

Describe methods of enhancing decision making skills.

Describe methods of enhancing decision making skills.

To become better at making decisions, you must build your situational awareness and evaluating skills. 

This will allow you to make quicker decisions, and be more aware of how these decisions will affect you and others.

Over time and with experience, you will be build these skills 

Outline the general concepts behind decision making.

Outline the general concepts behind decision making.

Informatiojn is obtained from the short term memory to make a decision
The risk of being caught versus the risk of not being caught

What we stand to gain versus what we stand to lose
The odds can be improve by the avoidance of high risk situations

The DECIDE model can help

Identify risk assessment techniques.

Identify risk assessment techniques.

To assess risks, you must first understand what the risk or risks are. 

Once you understand what the risk is, you must look at how that risk could affect you, and how to mitigate the risk. 

Explain clues or red flags that can assist in identifying the error/poor judgement chain.

Explain clues or red flags that can assist in identifying the error/poor judgement chain. 

Train pilots to use good judgement in the first place

Breaking the PJ chain is an act of good pilot judgement

Describe the error/poor judgement chain.

Describe the error/poor judgement chain.

One poor judgement increases to probability that another follows

The poor judgement increases the availability of false information that may then negatively influence judgements that follow

As the poor judgement chain grows the alternatives for safe flight decreases

Describe methods of countering hazardous attitudes.

Describe methods of countering hazardous attitudes.

Judgement Training

  • Teaches the pilot to be in control at all times
  • Teaches responsibility for the aircraft and other people
  • To obey flying rules and regulations
  • Teaches them to make reasoned and safe decisions 

Describe hazardous attitudes.

Describe hazardous attitudes.

Hazard attitudes can come from adverse personality traits such as

  • Avoiding responsibility
  • Being anti-authority
  • Feeling invulnerable
  • Impulsivity
  • Resignation
  • Machoism 

Describe strategies to maintain and enhance situational awareness.

Describe strategies to maintain and enhance situational awareness.



Absorb information 

Plan ahead