18.46.2 Derive, from a sample Aircraft Flight Manual, the fu

18.46.2 Derive, from a sample Aircraft Flight Manual, the fuel consumption rate for a given

18.44.2 Complete a navigation log / flight plan for a VFR cr

18.44.2 Complete a navigation log / flight plan for a VFR cross-country, including calculating
the following values:
(a) top of climb point;
(b) level cruise portion;
(c) top of descent point;
(d) CAS/TAS;
(e) tracks;
(f) estimated wind velocities;
(g) estimated temperatures;
(h) headings;
(i) groundspeeds;
(j) distances;
(k) EET;
(l) ETA;


18.42.2 Mark the following on a map:

18.42.2 Mark the following on a map:
(a) departure aerodrome, turning points, and destination aerodrome;
(b) tracks;
(c) heading change markings, either 1:60 or drift lines;
(d) ETA amendment markings.


18.40.2 List the factors to be considered when selecting a V

18.40.2 List the factors to be considered when selecting a VFR cross-country navigation route.

18.36.2 1 in 60 rule computations.

18.36.2 1 in 60 rule computations.
Flight Planning


18.34.2 Identify and label the three vectors of the triangle

18.34.2 Identify and label the three vectors of the triangle of velocities.

18.28.2 Derive or compute TAS, given IAS, pressure altitude

To calculate TAS, CAS, Pressure Altitude, temperature conversions and many more, pilots use a flight computer (pictured below) 

18.26.2 On the appropriate New Zealand aeronautical charts;

18.26.2 On the appropriate New Zealand aeronautical charts;
(a) interpret the scale, legend, airspace, geographical features and symbols;
(b) describe the method of indicating relief;
(c) interpret information from aerodrome charts and associated operational data
Circular Slide Rule


18.22.2 Explain the difficulties associated with representin

18.22.2 Explain the difficulties associated with representing a spherical shape on a flat surface.

18.16.2 Define Local Mean Time (LMT).

18.16.2 Define Local Mean Time (LMT).