6.48.8 Calculate a Heading to make good a Reciprocal Track.

Calculate a heading to make good a reciprocal track.

To calculate a Reciprocal Track; 

If you have applied left (port) drift before turning around, fly the reciprocal heading and deduct twice the drift.

If you have applied right (starboard) drift before turning around, fly the reciprocal heading and add twice the drift. 

6.4.6(k) Define an isogonal;

6.4.6(k)  Isogonal; 

Isogonal lines on a map are lines connecting all points of equal magnetic Variation


6.28.16 Compute Fuel Endurance, given the fuel quantity and burn rate.

Compute Fuel Endurance, given the Fuel Quantity and Burn Rate.
Explain: Fuel Endurance 

In this Example ….

You have 75 litres of fuel on board your Cessna. You check the aircraft Flight Manual and work out that at your planned altitude and power setting, you will burn 23 litres per hour. Looking at the cruise, what is your Fuel Endurance?


1. Find the 23 Litres on the outside 

2. Set 60 minutes  /1 Hour  on the inside (as is almost always on the inside scale is time)

Read off

4.  Find on the outside  75 litres 

3. On the inside scale is fuel endurance of 196 minutes.

101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090901. Outer Find fuel flow of 232. Inner lineup '1 hour'3. Outer find '75'4. read off '196 minutes /2:16 Hours'

6.14.2(n) Define Track Error (TE);

6.14.2(n)  Track Error (TE); 

Track error is the angle between the required track (TR) and the track made good (TMG) 

TE is given as the number of degrees left or right of the TR

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6.4.6(j) Define magnetic dip;

6.4.6(j)  Magnetic dip; 

Magnetic dip is the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the horizontal plane at any specific location.

Magnetic dip varies at different points on the Earths surface, at the magnetic equator the dip is 0 degrees; and 90 degrees at each of the magnetic poles.

earths magnetic field

6.28.14 Compute fuel burn rate, given the consumption and time.

6.28.14 Compute fuel burn rate, given the consumption and time.
Explain: Fuel Burn 

Example 1.

You have flown your Cessna for 45 minutes, and worked out that it will have consumed 18 litres of fuel. How much fuel is your aircraft using per hour (in litres)


1. Find the 18 Litres on the outside 

2. Set 45 minutes on the inside (as is almost always on the inside scale is time)

Read off

3. Find the 60 minutes  /1 Hour on the inside time scale.

4.  Read off the outside 24 . which the litres this aircraft would use in 1 hours.

101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090901. Outer Find fuel flow of 182. Inner lineup '45 minutes'4. Outer read off '24'3. Inner find '60 minutes /1 Hours'

6.14.2(m) Define Deduced (Dead) Reckoning;

6.14.2(m)  Deduced (Dead) Reckoning; 

Dead Reckoning is the process of calculating one’s position, by estimating the direction and distance travelled since a last known position.

6.12.10 Explain and apply the table of cruising levels.

6.12.10. Explain and apply the table of cruising levels.

When flying VFR, above 3,000 ft AMSL or 1,000 ft above high ground, whichever is the higher; you must adhere to the VFR cruising levels. 

When flying north (from 270’M to 089’M) you should cruise at odd thousands of feet plus 500. When traveling south (090’M to 269’M) you must cruise at even thousands of feet plus 500.  


6.4.6(i) Define magnetic variation;

6.4.6(i)  Magnetic variation;

Magnetic variation Is the difference between True North and Magnetic North.

It is the horizontal angle between true North and magnetic North measured East or West according to whether magnetic north lies east or west of true north. 

1020304050607080E100110120130140150160170S190200210220230240250260W280290300310320330340350True1020304050607080E100110120130140150160170S190200210220230240250260W280290300310320330340350Mag. Track BA20 R°

1020304050607080E100110120130140150160170S190200210220230240250260W280290300310320330340350True1020304050607080E100110120130140150160170S190200210220230240250260W280290300310320330340350Mag. Track BA-20 R°