6.14.2(e) Define True Heading;

6.14.2(e)  True heading; 

An aircraft’s heading is the direction that the aircraft’s nose is pointing in relation to True North

6.12.2(e) Define ground level;

6.12.2(e)  Ground level; 

Ground level is defined as the mean elevation of the selected area or ground feature. 

This elevation is taken from mean sea level, and gives us the height of the ground. 

6.10.4(a) Describe and apply the following position reference methods: Place name;

6.10.4(a)  Place name; 

Place names are used for means of visual navigation with the ground. 

Certain known towns, cities, land features alike are used to make position reports, which all pilots in the area are aware of and know the position. This ensures when pilots make position reports, other pilots know where they are.

6.8.2(e) Define True Airspeed (TAS).

6.8.2(e)  True airspeed (TAS). 

The true airspeed (TAS; also KTAS, for knots true airspeed) of an aircraft is the speed of the aircraft relative to the airmass in which it is flying. 


Nautical mile;

The nautical mile is defined as the length of an arc of a great circle which subtends an angle of 1 minute (of a degree) at the centre of the Earth. 

Simplified; if you draw a 1 minute angle from the centre of the Earth along a great circle, then the distance along the Earths surface will be 1 nautical mile. 

101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090901 nauticalnautical arrow nautical ft6060.6 ftft arrow metre1852 metremetre arrow

Due to the compression of the Earth, the arc at the poles is ‘flatter’ and therefore slightly longer (6108ft) where at the equator it is slightly smaller (6046ft) 

The nautical mile is the primary unit for indicating distances in aviation. 

The distance for a nautical mile is 6076 feet, however for practical purposes, it is taken as 6080 feet (1852m) 

Compass deviation to Compass Direction

Compass deviation

Magnetic Deviation,

 is where the plane’s compass will deviate from the actual Magnetic direction. The error induced in a compass by local magnetic fields within your aircraft (e.g headset, radios etc)

Compass Direction = Degrees C

Lets take a closer look at this aircraft Deviation Card.

Example 1: For Magnetic 090 need to steer 092. 

East is Least and West is Best applies here too.

so on 090°M there is a deviation of 2°W to get 092°C

Example 2: And for Magnetic 225 we need to steer 222. Remembering!  East is Least and West is Best.

so on 225°M there is a deviation of 3°E to get 222°C


Example 1


Example 2


6.2.4(d) Parallels of latitude;

6.2.4(d) Define and identify on a diagram of the Earth: 
Parallels of latitude; 


Latitude describes the location of a place north or south of the equator. The North pole is +90 degrees and the South pole is -90 degrees. A line connecting all the points with the same latitude value is called a line of latitude; creating parallels of latitude, lines parallel to the equator. 


Random 1 in 60 Rule Examples

Example 1

Your issue now is this
You have travel a distance of 141 along your track,
HOWEVER found that you are off your intend track by 12 mn

You need to do a quick mental calculation first ...
Seen as your distance of 141 is over 120nm then your degress would be aleast half of 12 e.g.(6)

* 60nm * Distance of 141nm ->| off track by 12nm
101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090902. and off by 121. Distance of 1414. and read off = 5.1 Degress 3. locate 60

Example 2

Your issue now is this
You have travel a distance of 82 along your track,
HOWEVER found that you are off your intend track by 12 mn

You need to do a quick mental calculation first ...
Seen as your distance of 82 is over 60mn and less then 120nm then your degress would be somewhere between 12 to half of 12 e.g.(6)

* 60nm * Distance of 82nm ->| off track by 12nm
101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090902. and off by 121. Distance of 824. and read off = 8.8 Degress 3. locate 60

Example 3

Your issue now is this
You have travel a distance of 55 along your track,
HOWEVER found that you are off your intend track by 3 mn

You need to do a quick mental calculation first ...
Seen as your distance of 55 is under 30mn then your degress would be aleast double 3 e.g.(6)

* 60nm * Distance of 55nm ->| off track by 3nm
101011111212131314141515161617171818191920202121222223232424252530303535404045455050555560607070808090902. and off by 31. Distance of 554. and read off = 3.3 Degress 3. locate 60

6.72.2 State the Two Types of RADAR currently used in New Zealand.

State the Two Types of Radar Currently used in New Zealand.

Currently in New Zealand, we use two types of radar:

1. Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR),
2. Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR).


6.42.2 Map amendment markings.

Mark the following on a map:
a)  departure aerodrome, turning points, and destination aerodrome; 
b)  tracks; 
c)  heading change markings, either 1:60 or drift lines; 
d)  ETA amendment markings. 

When marking points on a map, we must ensure care is taken that it is easy to read and gives clear precise information. 

The more information we put on our map, we can calculate more information including ground speeds and position fixes. 

When marking positions and times on the map, we must ensure we have an accurate position fix, and that we use an accurate time. Any time we change headings, figure we are off track or any other change in flight including crossing half and quarter waypoints, we would record the position and time. 

With the times recorded, we can see how long it took between points, and also calculate a distance. With a time to travel a distance, we can calculate the speed. With this new speed (which will probably be different to your flight planned speed, we can amend our ETA to locations)