4.60.12 Aerodrome and Weather Information Broadcasts (AWIB)

4.60.12 State the purpose of Aerodrome and Weather Information Broadcasts (AWIB). AIP GEN

Aerodrome and Weather Information Broadcasts (AWIB)

  • automated broadcast on a specified frequency at
    some unattended aerodromes. It relays information on meteorological and
    operational conditions that are obtained from automatic sensors and
    manual observations.
  • 3.4.4 An AWIB is not provided by an air traffic service and is therefore not
    required to have the same standard of accuracy
  • 3.4.5 The following information (may vary with
    location) may be broadcast by an AWIB:
  •  (a) Preferred runway–in–use;
    (b) Other operational information;
    (c) Wind direction and strength;
    (d) Visibility;
    (e) Cloud cover;
    (f) Temperature;
    (g) QNH or mean sea level
  • 3.4.6 Pilots should note that MET information may not necessarily be
    representative of the conditions in the vicinity of the runway because of the
    siting of the AWS and the area of scan.

4.60.10 Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit (AFRU).

4.60.10 State the purpose of an Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit (AFRU). AIP GEN

  • Aerodrome Frequency Response Unit (AFRU)
  • provides confirmation to pilots that they have
    selected the correct aerodrome frequency, and that their aircraft radio is
    operating correctly
    . ( may operate as a supplementary device to a UNICOM or may be the
    sole ground communications device.)
  • see 3.3.21 for types of response triggered by transmissions

4.60.8 Universal Communications Services (UNICOM)

4.60.8 State the purpose of Universal Communications Services (UNICOM). AIP GEN

Universal Communication (UNICOM) Services

  • UNICOM is not an air traffic service. UNICOM is an air/ground
    communications facility providing an information service at aerodromes
    with no aerodrome control or aerodrome flight information service.
  • 3.3.18 Information may include:
  • (a) current aerodrome information 
  • (b) basic weather information
  • (c) meteorological reports 
  • (d) Aerodrome and Weather Information Broadcasts (AWIB).
  • 3.3.19 UNICOM operator may also provide other ancillary services.

4.60.6 Contents of a VFR Position Report

4.60.6 State the content of a VFR position report. AIP ENR 1.1 7 (7.3)

  • 7.3 Content of Visual Position Reports
    7.3.1 Visual position reports should contain those elements of the
    following as applicable to the reason for the report:
  • (a) identification; 
  • (b) SSR code (if on discrete code); 
  • (c) position;
  • (d) time;
  • (e) altitude;
  • (f) intended route;
  • (g) next landing point; and
  • (h) ETA at next landing point

4.60.4 Making Position Reports

4.60.4 State the requirements for making position reports to an ATS unit. CAR 91.309 & AIP ENR
[vfr_Rule p1=”91.309″]

  • on a VFR flight shall, when operating in controlled airspace, report the position of the aircraft to ATC at the times or reporting points required by ATC.
  • ENR 1.1 part 7   7.1 Position Reports Required
    7.1.1 The pilot of an aircraft operating under VFR is required to report
  •  (a) clearance to enter Class C and D airspace;
  •  (b)  requested by ATC when operating within Class C and D
  • (c) prior to entry, at specified interval while operating within, and
    exiting a MBZ; and
  •  (d) prior to entry into a restricted area or military operating area where
    ATC is the administering authority for that area.
  • 7.2.1 operating under VFR is recommended to
    report position at regular intervals:
  •  cross country flight; and
  •  (to the TWR) on a local flight.

4.56.10 If a Flight Plan is not Terminated before SARTIME

4.56.10 State the time search and rescue action would be initiated if a flight plan is not terminated before SARTIME. 

  • at SARTIME

4.56.8 Difference Between ETA and SARTIME.

4.56.8 Describe the difference between ETA and SARTIME. CAR 01 part 1.1  General definitions

ETA means estimated time of arrival: 

SARTIME means the time nominated by a pilot for the initiation of alerting action:
usually at a set time after the ETA (eg 30 mins after ETA)

4.56.6 Terminating a Flight Plan

4.56.6 State the requirements for the terminating a flight plan. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.307″]

  • terminate the flight plan by advising ATS before the flight plan SARTIME.

4.56.4 Changes to the Filed Flight Plan.

4.56.4 State the requirements for notification of changes to the filed flight plan. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.409″]

Rule 91.307 requirements for flight plans include requirement for advising of any changes. Rule 91.409 addresses this requirement if flight plan is under IFR

  •  pilot-in-command must, when an IFR flight plan has been submitted, adhere to that flight plan or the applicable portion of the flight plan
  • unless
  • (1) a request for change has been made and clearance obtained from  ATC  or
  • (2) an emergency situation arises necessitating immediate action to deviate from the flight plan.
  • If a deviation is made under (2), the PiC must notify ATS unit as soon as practicable.
  • aircraft operating under IFR must, where practicable
  • (1) when on a route published in  AIP, operate along the defined centre line of the route; or
  • (2) on any other route, directly between the navigation facilities and points defining the route; or
  • (3) when on an area navigation route or parallel offset route, operate along the centre line of the route specified by ATS.

4.56.2 Filing of a Flight Plan

4.56.2 State the requirements for the filing of a flight plan for flight under VFR. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.307″]

  • A pilot-in-command of an aircraft must submit a VFR flight plan to an appropriate ATS unit before starting any flight conducted under VFR if;
  • (1) the pilot-in-command plans to proceed more than 50 nm from shore; or
  • (2) the pilot-in-command requires an alerting service

  • A VFR flight plan must include the following information:

(1) the aircraft registration and callsign:
(2) the type of aircraft 
(3) the route including, if practicable for each route segment,
aerodromes of departure and intended landing, estimated elapsed
times, and time on the ground at each intermediate aerodrome:
(4) the SARTIME:
(5) fuel endurance:
(6) the total number of persons in the aircraft:
(7) the name and telephone contact details of the pilot-in-command:
(8) the name of the aircraft owner or operator:
(9) any additional information that may assist search and rescue operations

  •  inform ATS unit of any change to the details and/or  SARTIME [see also Rule 91.409]
  •  terminate flight plan before  SARTIME.