Describe the problems associated with windshield design and visibility.

Describe the problems associated with windshield design and visibility.

When flying an aeroplane, your eyes are looking outside 90% of the time. If the windshield is dirty or hard to see through, this can play a detrimental effect to pilot visibility.

Therefore; making it harder to see objects and attitudes that are vital to the flight. 

Also, aircraft with poorly designed windshields can making flying harder or even unsafe! With a small windshield it is harder to see out of, also with more posts and pillars the pilot must move their head and body more to see outside. 

Always make sure the windshield is clean before you fly!

Explain the importance of eye datum or eye design position.

Explain the importance of eye datum or eye design position.

The pilot needs to be seated so that the eyes are in a position that with minimal head movement, there is a good view of instruments and the outside environment

Eye position is also critical to judging the final approach 

If the instruments were not in direct line of sight of the pilot, not only would it take longer to view these instruments, but there would also be a form of parallax error taking place. 

Describe the effects of a poorly designed cockpit on pilot performance.

Describe the effects of a poorly designed cockpit on pilot performance.

A poorly designed cockpit will have a huge affect on pilot performance. You cannot expect anyone to operate at a high output unless they are comfortable and in a machine that is easy to operate.  

The cockpit design will dictate if controls can be operated easily, dials and gauges can be seen easily and whether the pilot can be seated comfortably for extended periods of time; therefore reducing stress and fatigue. 

Explain the relevance of anthropometry in the design of a cockpit.

Explain the relevance of anthropometry in the design of a cockpit.

By understanding anthropometry we can design aircraft cockpits that cater for the human body. Things such as seat positions, pedal positions and ceiling heights can all be designed to allow humans to sit comfortably inside the cockpit. 

Describe applications of biomechanics in the design of a cockpit.

Describe applications of biomechanics in the design of a cockpit.

By understanding biomechanics we can understand how the human body will move and interact with controls and the aircraft cockpit. 

From this we can design an aircraft cockpit with controls that work with the human body and joins instead of against. This will allow for a cockpit that is ergonomic and allow the pilot to work for extended periods of time comfortably.  

Define anthropometry.

Define anthropometry.

This is the science of human measurement including joint – joint contour shape or reach / pull. 

This is important in the cockpit design so that the majority of the population are catered for

Define biomechanics.

Define biomechanics.

This is a discipline that studies various aspects of physical movements of the body

Explain the importance of the following in cockpit design …

Explain the importance of the following in cockpit design ...


All levers, switches etc should be legible and accessible and the most important instruments should be positioned in the most obvious position
Levers etc should be able to be identified by shape, size, location, visisbility and direction of movement 

This minimises physical and mental stress on the pilot which can affect performance and safety.
A pilot who is comfortable will be able to concentrate for longer periods of time 


By positioning the pilots in a seating position of good posture this will minimises physical and mental stress and allow the pilot to work for extended periods of time in comfort. 

Lighting levels

When a warning goes off then the alerting device should be illuminated appropriately to catch the pilots attention
Also, working in a low lighting environment can induce tiredness, and working in an overly lit space can also tire your eyes. A cockpit should be illuminated so pilots can see outside (not too lit to ruin you night vision) but also read gauges and instruments accurately 

Describe the basic principles of control, display and workspace design.

Describe the basic principles of control, display and workspace design.

The flight deck is ergonomically designed to make life easier for the pilot increasing comfort and reducing stress

This includes having displays in front of the pilot and easy to read, controls easily reached and moved and the workspace designed that it is easy to use and spend an extended period of time using. 

Describe the role of punitive sanction

Describe the role of punitive sanction

Punitive sanctions are disciplinary consequences imposed on pilots who have been found responsible for rule and law violations.

Punitive sanctions are in place to prevent negligent and reckless behaviour in aviation and to maintain a culture of safety