12.36.10(b) subscale settings and the meaning of QNH and QFE;

12.36.10(b) . subscale settings and the meaning of QNH and QFE; 

– designed so a range of pressure values can be set on a subscale using the rotatable knob
– displays the height above whatever pressure value has been set on the subscaleperations below 13000 ft AMSL arfe conducted with reference to mean sea level and so the MSL is always set on the subscale
– this pressure setting is the QNH

QFE – is the current pressure level at any given datum other than MSL
When QFE is set on the subscale the altimeter will give a reading of its vertical distance or height above the datum selected

12.36.10(a) basic principle of operation and serviceability checks;

12.36.10(a) . basic principle of operation and serviceability checks; 

– the most important instrument for vertical navigation
– relates the static pressure at the level of the aircraft to a height inthe International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
– The Standard (ISA) pressure at Mean Sea Level MSL is 1013 hPa

Serviceability checks
– during pre-start checks turn the altimeter subscale setting knob until the aerodrome elevation is indicated
– when QNH is obtained set it on the subscale and check the altimeter reading is within +30 and -45 ft of aerodrome elevation
– if not request a repeat QNH
– if altimeter remains outside the limits it is deemd to be unserviceable – refer to instructor or service engineer

QNH & QFE Examples

at Airports
Location / Setting Atlimeter Reading
Rotorua / QNH 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET Rotorua / QFE 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET
Taupo / QNH 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET Taupo / QFE 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET
Whakatane / QNH 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET Whakatane / QFE 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET

At 5,000ft Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)
Aircraft Then Departed.. With Local QHN With Aerodrome QFE Set.
Aircraft Departed Rotorua 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET
Aircraft Departed Taupo 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET
Aircraft Departed Whakatane 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET 990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET

12.36.10 With respect to the altimeter, describe the:

12.36.10. With respect to the altimeter, describe the:
(a) . basic principle of operation and serviceability checks;
990 985 980 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 0 ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEET 100 1000 FEET CALIBRATEDTO25 000 FEET

– the most important instrument for vertical navigation
– relates the static pressure at the level of the aircraft to a height inthe International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
– The Standard (ISA) pressure at Mean Sea Level MSL is 1013 hPa

Serviceability checks
– during pre-start checks turn the altimeter subscale setting knob until the aerodrome elevation is indicated
– when QNH is obtained set it on the subscale and check the altimeter reading is within +30 and -45 ft of aerodrome elevation
– if not request a repeat QNH
– if altimeter remains outside the limits it is deemd to be unserviceable – refer to instructor or service engineer 

(b) . subscale settings and the meaning of QNH and QFE;

– designed so a range of pressure values can be set on a subscale using the rotatable knob
– displays the height above whatever pressure value has been set on the subscaleperations below 13000 ft AMSL arfe conducted with reference to mean sea level and so the MSL is always set on the subscale
– this pressure setting is the QNH

QFE – is the current pressure level at any given datum other than MSL
When QFE is set on the subscale the altimeter will give a reading of its vertical distance or height above the datum selected

(c) . errors affecting the altimeter, including subscale setting error.

Altimeter Errors

Instrument error
– small imperfections arising from the manufacture, installation, mintenance, age of the individual altimeter
Instrument lag
– altimeter takes a second or two to respond to rapid pressure changes
Position error
– occurs for same reason as on ASI except only the static vent is involved (ie if flown with slip or skid)
Subscale setting errors
– QNH must be set accurately on the subscale
– setting must be updated whe significant changes in MSL pressure occur

12.36.8(d) errors affecting the ASI, and how position error correction is applied.

12.36.8(d) . errors affecting the ASI, and how position error correction is applied. 

Density Error
– this is the inability of the ASI to take account of the air density variations.
– some ASIs have a small rotatable scale which provides compensation for its density error

Position Error
– if in a high nose attitude the pitot tube and static vents will be at an unusual angle to the oncoming airflow and the way in which they register the pressure may be changed.
Any position error from a high nose attitude is allowed for in the callibration of the Vso and Vs1 marks on the ASI
A posiiton error correction PEC is usually found in the POH (Pilot operating Handbook) – applied to the ASI readout to give the CAS (callibrated airspeed)

Instrument Error
– sometimes wear and tear can cause slight variations in the readings
– only usually amounts to 1-2 knots of error

12.36.8(c) IAS/TAS/groundspeed relationship;

12.36.8(c) . IAS/TAS/groundspeed relationship; 

IAS is the “aerodynamic” airspeed of the aricraft
At low levels of the atmosphere IAS is close to TAS

TAS is the actual speed of the aircraft through the air
It can be calculated by applying a correction for air density to IAS

GS is the speed of the aircraft relative to the ground
It can be calculated by applying W/V to the aircraft heading and TAS

12.36.8(b) colour coding, and the meaning of VSO, VS1, VFE, VNO and VNE;

12.36.8(b) . colour coding, and the meaning of VSO, VS1, VFE, VNO and VNE; 

Green arc – normal operating speed range
Yellow arc – caution range
White arc – flaps operating range
Red radial line – never exceed speed

VSO – stalling speed – landing gear down, flaps lowered power off
VS1 – stall speed – landing gear up, flaps up, power off
VFE – maximum speed flaps extended
VNO – normal operating limit speed
VNE – never exceed speed

12.36.8(a) basic principle of operation and serviceability checks;

12.36.8(a) . basic principle of operation and serviceability checks; 

– provides a reading of the airspeed referred to as the Indicated Airspeed IAS
– measures dynamnic pressure acting on the aircraft

During pre-flight external inspection – check the pitot cover is removed
Chech pitot head and static vents for damage and blockage
ASI should read zero

12.36.8 With respect to the airspeed indicator, describe the:

12.36.8. With respect to the airspeed indicator, describe the:

(a) . basic principle of operation and serviceability checks; 




- provides a reading of the airspeed referred to as the Indicated Airspeed IAS
- measures dynamnic pressure acting on the aircraft

During pre-flight external inspection - check the pitot cover is removed
Chech pitot head and static vents for damage and blockage
ASI should read zero 

(b) . colour coding, and the meaning of VSO, VS1, VFE, VNO and VNE;

Green arc - normal operating speed range
Yellow arc - caution range
White arc - flaps operating range
Red radial line - never exceed speed

VSO - stalling speed - landing gear down, flaps lowered power off
VS1 - stall speed - landing gear up, flaps up, power off
VFE - maximum speed flaps extended
VNO - normal operating limit speed
VNE - never exceed speed 

12.36.8(c) . IAS/TAS/groundspeed relationship;

IAS is the "aerodynamic" airspeed of the aricraft
At low levels of the atmosphere IAS is close to TAS

TAS is the actual speed of the aircraft through the air
It can be calculated by applying a correction for air density to IAS

GS is the speed of the aircraft relative to the ground
It can be calculated by applying W/V to the aircraft heading and TAS 

(d) . errors affecting the ASI, and how position error correction is applied.

Density Error
- this is the inability of the ASI to take account of the air density variations.
- some ASIs have a small rotatable scale which provides compensation for its density error

Position Error
- if in a high nose attitude the pitot tube and static vents will be at an unusual angle to the oncoming airflow and the way in which they register the pressure may be changed.
Any position error from a high nose attitude is allowed for in the callibration of the Vso and Vs1 marks on the ASI
A posiiton error correction PEC is usually found in the POH (Pilot operating Handbook) - applied to the ASI readout to give the CAS (callibrated airspeed)

Instrument Error
- sometimes wear and tear can cause slight variations in the readings
- only usually amounts to 1-2 knots of error

12.36.6(e) alternate pressure source.

12.36.6(e) . alternate pressure source. 

– enables the pressure inside the cabin to be sensed in the event of ice or other stuff blocking the external vents
– in unpressurised aircraft the cabin pressure is only slightly less than the external atmospheric pressure so the instrument readings will be only slightly errored if the alternate source is selected