4.32.28 Aircraft Towing Gliders.

4.32.28 State the restrictions applicable to aircraft towing gliders. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.709″]

  • glider tow rating 
  • below maximum airspeed specified for aero-tow 
  • maximum load specified in the aircraft flight manual
  • checked  tow hook  before the flight
  • take-off, glider release, airspeed, and emergency signals established by a gliding organisation 
  • take-off distance to clear a 50 foot obstacle does not exceed 85% of the take-off run available
  • maintaining a rate of climb of at least 200 feet per minute at 1000 feet 
  • equipped with a tow hook and attachment assembly and pilot-activated quick release
  • tow line meets the requirements of Appendix A.2
  • more than one glider is being towed
  • towing of a hang glider 

4.32.26 Parachute-Drop Operations

4.32.26 State the restrictions applicable to parachute-drop operations. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.705″]

  • parachute-drop rating
  • valid standard category airworthiness certificate
  • configuration of the aircraft is appropriate 
  • adequate interior room and satisfactory egress for each parachutist
  • inadvertent opening of a parachute in the aircraft or during egress by any parachutist
  • suitable points used for static lines
  • flight manual authorises flight with a door removed, or open, in flight
  • occupies a seat and fastens his or her safety belt during take-off and landing
  • emergency or reserve parachute assembly
  • trained in the use of the emergency or reserve parachute assembly
  • aircraft emergency and exiting the aircraft
  • inadvertent interference with the controls;
  • details of the proposed descent prior to take-off;
  • authorised

4.32.24 Operating an Aircraft in Aerobatic Flight.

4.32.24 State the restrictions applicable to operating an aircraft in aerobatic flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.701″]

Aerobatic Rules and Restrictions – All heights are above ground level (AGL)

  • Flight Manual must allow aerobatics to be performed
  • Flight at and remaining above 3000 ft without passengers – Aerobatics allowed without rating
  • Flight at and remaining above 3000 ft with passengers – Aerobatic rating is required.
  • Aerobatics between 1500 – 3000ft – No passengers allowed, Aerobatics rating required
  • Aerobatics below 1500ftAdditional rating endorsements required, No passengers and must be at an aviation event
  • Control Zone – Aerobatics requires permission from ATC
  • Aerobatics cannot be performed over populated areas or an assembly of people within a horizontal distance of 600 metres, except at an aviation event

4.32.22 Operating VFR in Icing Conditions.

4.32.22 State the restrictions when operating VFR in icing conditions. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.315″]

  • No flight permitted if snow, ice, or frost,  is adhering to the wings, stabilisers, or control surfaces.

4.32.20 Minimum Heights for VFR Flights

4.32.20 State the minimum heights for VFR flights (A) or (H) under CAR Part 91. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.311″]

  • city, town, or settlement, or open air assembly of persons  less than 1000 feet above the surface or any obstacle that is within a horizontal radius of 600 metres from the point immediately below.
  • other area -less than 500 feet above the surface or
  • less than 500 feet above any obstacle, person, vehicle, vessel, or structure within a horizontal radius of 150 metres from the point immediately below
  • height less than that required to execute an emergency landing 
  • does not apply to a take-off or landing; or a balked landing or discontinued approach; or  taxiing.
  • Exceptions ..
  • -if the bona fide purpose , but only if the flight is performed without hazard 
  • only essential  persons on the aircraft; and not flown at a height lower than that required 
  • the horizontal distance  from any obstacle, person, vessel, vehicle, or structure is not less than that necessary for the purpose of the flight, except that in the case of an aeroplane, horizontal radius of 150 metres

4.32.18 Speed Limitation on Aircraft Operating under VFR.

4.32.18 State the speed limitation on aircraft operating under VFR. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.237″]

  • 250 knots IAS below 10 000 feet AMSL for VFR in Class C, D, E, F, or G airspace
  • 250 knots IAS below 10 000 feet AMSL for IFR in Class D, E, F, or G airspace;


  • Unless aircraft minimum safe speed is more than 250 kts and is operated at that minimum safe speed; 
  • At an aviation event

4.32.16 Dropping of Objects from an Aircraft in Flight.

4.32.16 State the restrictions on the dropping of objects from an aircraft in flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.235″]

  • forbidden unless pilot has taken precautions to ensure no danger

4.32.14 Aircraft Flying Near Other Aircraft.

4.32.14 State the restrictions applicable to aircraft flying near other aircraft. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.227″]

  • collision hazard
  • formation flight except by prior arrangement
  • formation flight while carrying passengers for hire or reward except by prior arrangement and
  • performing parachute drop or
  • adventure aviation formation flight operation under the authority  Part 115.

4.32.12 Carriage of Cargo.

4.32.12 Explain the restrictions on the carriage of cargo. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.215″]

  • carried on a seat, in a cargo rack or bin, or in a cargo or baggage compartment; 
  • properly secured by a safety belt or other restraining device
  • packaged and covered to avoid injury
  • load limitation for the seats, berths, or floor structure to be considered
  • not in a position that restricts the access to or use of emergency exit, or aisle between crew and passenger compartments 

4.32.10 Stowage of Carry-on Baggage

4.32.10 Explain the restrictions on stowage of carry-on baggage. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.213″]

  • before take-off or landing, all passenger baggage aboard the aircraft is stowed
  • in a baggage locker; or
  • under a passenger seat
  • must not be able to slide forward under crash impact or hinder evacuation