4.26.4 Emergency Equipment for Flight over Water.

4.26.4 State the emergency equipment requirements for flight over water. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.525″]
The following rules all apply to single-engine aircraft or multi-engine aircraft unable to maintain at least 1000 feet AMSL with 1 engine inoperative.

    Flight over water beyond gliding distance

    • a life preserver is required for each person

    Flight over water beyond 50NM – additional requirements 

    • Enough life-rafts to accommodate all the occupants
    • a survival locator light
    • a survival kit
    • at least 1 pyrotechnic signalling device
    • 1 ELT or PLB.

          Flight over water beyond 200NM – additional requirements

          • an additional ELT or PLB must be carried

          Beyond 200NM all aircraft over 5700 kg MCTOW must be equipped with both the 50NM and 200NM equipment regardless of performance capabilities with one engine inoperative

          4.26.2 Equipment for a Night VFR Flight.

          4.26.2 State the equipment requirements for a Night VFR flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.511″]

          • position lights
          • anti-collision light system
          • illumination for each required instrument or indicator.
          • means of indicating rate of turn and slip or third attitude indicator usable through 360 Degrees of pitch and roll

          4.24.8 Communications and Navigation Equipment for a VFR Over Water Flight

          4.24.8 State the communications and navigation equipment requirements for a VFR over water flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.515″]

          •  at a distance that is more than 30 minutes flying time from the nearest shore, 
          •  meets level 1 or 2 standards specified in Appendix A, A.9; and
          •  continuous two-way communications with an appropriate ATS unit or aeronautical   telecommunications facility; and
          •  equipment capable of navigating the aircraft in accordance with the flight plan. 

          4.24.6 Radio Equipment Requirements for a VFR flight.

          4.24.6 State the radio equipment requirements for a VFR flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.513″]

          • Unless authorised, in controlled airspace classified as Class B, C, D, or Class E airspace at night, must be equipped with radio communications equipment —
          •  level 1 or 2 standards specified in Appendix A, A.9  
          •  is capable of providing continuous two-way communications
          •  outside controlled airspace , level 1 or 2 standards specified in Appendix A, A.9 if the equipment  is to be used for communication with any ATS unit. 

          4.24.4 Minimum Instruments for a Night VFR

          4.24.4 State the minimum instrument requirements for a Night VFR flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.511″]

          •  accordance with rule 91.509 plus— [vfr_Rule p1=”91.509″]
          •  a means of indicating rate of turn and slip
          •  position lights
          •  an anti-collision light system
          •  illumination for each required instrument or indicator.
          •  if equipped with a third attitude instrument indicator that is usable through 360° of pitch and roll , no need for  indicating rate of turn. 

          4.24.2 Minimum Instruments for a Day VFR

          4.24.2 State the minimum instrument requirements for a Day VFR flight. CAR 91 [vfr_Rule p1=”91.509″]

          • airspeed; and  Mach number, if the speed limitation  is expressed in Mach number; 
          • altitude in feet
          • magnetic heading
          • fuel tank contents, other than auxiliary fuel tank 
          • engine RPM of each engine
          • oil pressure of each engine using a pressure lubricating system
          • coolant temperature of each liquid-cooled engine
          • oil temperature of each engine rated at over 250 BHP using a pressure lubricating system
          • indicating manifold pressure of each supercharged or turbocharged piston engine, and each piston engine fitted with a constant speed propeller
          • indicating cylinder head temperature of each air-cooled piston engine rated at over 250BHP 
          • flap position, if flaps are fitted, unless flap position can be determined visually by the flight crew 
          • landing gear position, if the aircraft has retractable undercarriage
          • correct functioning of electrical power generating equipment
          • presence of CO2 in the cabin if fitted with exhaust manifold or combustion cabin heater 

          4.22.12 Entering defects into a Technical Log

          4.22.12 State the requirements for entering defects into a technical log. CAR [vfr_Rule p1=”91.201(3)”]

          • item 3- record in the technical log…  any aircraft defects identified by the crew during the inspections and flight  

          4.22.10 Requirements for and contents of a Technical Log

          4.22.10 State the requirements for and contents of a technical log. CAR [vfr_Rule p1=”91.619″ p2=”technical log” p3=”contents”]

          • must provide a technical log 
          • List of specified items 1-12
          • accurate and current. 
          • Part 119-  format other than technical log, if  acceptable to the Director, accurate and available to PiC on request  

          4.22.8 Maintenance Records

          4.22.8 State the requirements for maintenance records. CAR [vfr_Rule p1=”91.617″] [vfr_Rule p1=”43.69″]

          Maintenance records must be keep and updated.

          • For each airframe, and each product and component that has a finite life or a Time Before Overhaul (TBO) ,
          • Total time-in-service, and if applicable the total cycles.
          • of accidents – details of the accident,details of the damage recorded in maintenance logbook
          • Records should be in plain language form, or in coded form if it can be easily translated

          4.22.6 Review of Airworthiness.

          4.22.6 State the requirement for a review of airworthiness. CAR [vfr_Rule p1=”91.615″ p2=”not operated for hire or reward” p3=”24 Months” p4=”12 Months”]

          A review of airworthiness must be completed every:

          • 12 Months if operated for hire or reward
          • 24 Months if not operated for hire or reward